Do You Have Back Hair Too?
Hey, my name is Dan, and I own and run this website. Just me and sometimes my wife helps with my grammar and writing.
Like you, maybe (am I assuming too much right now?)…I was cursed (or is it a blessing?) with primal genetic back hair.
The jury is still out on this one…
Rarely does back hair look sexy or appealing. I went into my 30s with little to no signs of showing signs of back hair, but I always wondered because my father sported long and sparsely spotted back hair. I was always frightened of attaining this hit-or-miss family trait, as my brothers seem to have avoided this, but lucky me, that is not the case.
Damn luck!
Maturing Into Back Hair…Great!
So, as the ’30s came, so did my maturity to growing back hair; life has a way of hinting at what is to come down the line if one pays enough attention and remains open.
So, from then on, I suffered from always leaving my shirt on. I was embarrassed by my natural propensity for growing unsightly hair out of my back.
Enter The Back Shaver
Now, within my mid-40s it shows no sign of letting up but…NOW, I have a method of dealing with mowing the back hair.
What I find best about dealing with back hair is having a sense of humor about it and accepting it. Make some jokes about it, and don’t look at it so negatively.
Laugh at yourself and the world with laugh with you. This has helped me deal with it.
My page, Common Questions About Shaving Your Back, is worth checking out.
Damn it, I Want To Help You!
What I found after finding an efficient method of shaving my back was increased confidence and feeling better about myself. Society influences, I guess. Well, I had always tried other methods of trying to clear up my back with hit-and-miss success. Our freaking arms are not meant to move that way.
So, it is with this newfound elevated feeling that I wished to share with the world a way to alleviate the burden of unsightly back hair. To help share methods of eradicating and removing unwanted hair that happens to remain in hard-to-reach spots on our backs.
What You Will Find On My Website
First and foremost, I own every product and have used every product on my website. I post unique pictures to prove it in my reviews—real hands-on experience. Not information pulled from the internet or opinions pulled from the thin air.

It all starts from there—full transparency and honesty. I am building my website to gain the public’s trust and to instill my sense of integrity in my visitors. Yes, it would be easier to write about products I have never used, like most other websites doing reviews. Yes, it is pretty pervasive. That is the easy way, and I never go the easy route.
Another feature you will get is my honest opinion if a product works well or if it doesn’t, I will let you know. It is easy to get off course and think about making a quick buck by promoting a worthless product, but this will be a short-term fix for a long-term plan. I often spend my own money on reviewing products to bring new and interesting content to this website. I want the foundation of my website (even if it is small and insignificant) to be built with honesty.
My Experience With Back Shaving – I Am The Leading Authority On Back Shaving
I have been shaving my back for over 15 years now. I first started out trying to shave my back with a regular beard razor and quickly realized how futile this was. I unsuccessfully then tried to attach hair clippers to a stick using duct tape. Keep in mind this was before you could readily buy them online.
One day, I purchased a dedicated back shaver, and the world changed for me. Thankfully, that was the Bakblade 1.0 Bigmouth back shaver. (It was a pretty darn good back shaver then and still is!) Bypassing a lot of the junky back shavers I have reviewed later down the road.
No other website or person has spent more time using and reviewing so many different backshavers than I have.
Grooming can transform the way you feel about yourself and how others see you. That is why I started this website. First, I wrote about back shavers and back shaving but expanded to other grooming avenues as well.
Welcome All Of My Hairy Beast Brethren
So feel welcome here!
As no ill judgment will be cast upon you, for we with back hair are BEASTS. We should be proud as we are hairy and above ground, ready to conquer the world.
With old traits that served our past lineage well. This is our strength, which we will hide for now. But it will lay hidden within our subconscious and below our outer skin level from this forth on, as our source of strength from our strong and durable ancestors that survived saber-tooth tigers, Mammoths, and the giant short-faced bear.
Welcome, my brothers; now let’s get to shaving that shit off…
Would love to hear from you, feel free to comment below if you have any questions.
hi dan! its anthony from happy nuts here. We love your content and wanted to know if you’d like to review our new ballber pro trimmer ? Let me know your address if interested.
Hey Antony
Yes, I am interested. Would love to review your newest product. Thanks too for reaching out to me. I will send you an email with my information.
Dan this site has been a game changer for me. I was definitely part of the “never shirt off on the beach” club and now I’m looking forward to feeling good about the way I look without my sweater of body hair. With some nervous trepidation I set out on my own to figure it all out, but your reviews have been so helpful- not only to get the best product but to talk about body grooming without being embarrassed. Thanks so much.
Lol, “sweater of body hair”. It was a pleasure to help you and I am glad you found some products to help. Thanks for the kind words, much appreciated!!!
Hey Dan this site has been a game changer for me. I was definitely part of the “never shirt off at the beach” club because of my full body sweater. I was really tired of being that way, so with some nervousness I set out to the world of body grooming while trying to be discreet about it because I was embarrassed. So, not only has this site helped navigate the world of the paid ads to get me true objective reviews from a real user, its helped me embrace the beasty and just jump in to the body grooming chat. As Im just starting out on this journey, Im sure Ill be consulting this site many times.
Always here to help and I have also have been quite embarrassed about grooming but heck we only live once (as far as I know).