In this post, Dr. Teal’s Deodorant Review, I will highlight both the negatives and positives of this deodorant and help you determine if this is the right deodorant for you. Deodorant is essential today as nobody wants to have body odor.
But if you are like me, you are very careful about the ingredients used and, just as important, the way a deodorant smells. Maybe the most important is also the concern about the longevity of protection.
I will break it all down to help you determine if this is right for you.
Let’s get to it…shall we?
Full Disclosure
I purchased the deodorants shown in this review with my own money. I am not affiliated with Dr. Teal, but I am affiliated with Amazon. Links on this page will link to Amazon, and I make a small commission on purchases.
Table of Contents
What Is Dr. Teal’s Deodorant?
Dr. Teal’s Aluminum Free Deodorant claims all-day odor protection, absorbs wetness and has a new, easier glide. This is a medium/hard-density deodorant that might take a little warming up to spread depending on the temperature of your environment properly.
Magnesium, Arrowroot Powder, Baking Soda essential oils, and moisturizing oils help fight the stink.
These come in sticks of 2.65 oz. and are a medium-density deodorant.
The Scents Available From Dr. Teal’s & How Well Do They Smell?
There are six available scents that you can currently buy from Dr. Teal’s.
Coconut Oil – The key fragrance is a very subtle but present coconut smell. It has a very natural, pleasing scent and doesn’t smell like tanning lotion (a softer coconut vibe). This is my favorite scent from their line.
Eucalyptus – Eucalyptus is a prominent scent that smells refreshing and clean but doesn’t punch you in the face all day with the smell, as it doesn’t project but stays close to the skin.
Lavender Vanilla – This is also a very fresh and natural scent. The vanilla is the prominent scent I smell at first, with the Lavender being the second. This is my second favorite scent.
Charcoal –
Elderberry & Vitamin D – Unfortunately, I didn’t see this at the store when I purchased the other scent, but I indeed would have if they had it.
Rose & Milk – Another scent I didn’t get to try. This scent might be more for the ladies, though.

Ingredients – Is It Safe? Natural?
Each deodorant might have a slightly different set of ingredients. I am not going to list every deodorant ingredient but will only list one deodorant so you will get a general idea of what it is made of.

How Well Does It Perform? My Experience
I originally bought these three deodorant sticks, and they sat around my office for several months. I’m just too busy with life, I guess. But maybe I shouldn’t have slept on using and reviewing this product because I was pretty impressed with the scents and the performance.
Scent Profile
The scents are very natural smelling and don’t project but stay very close to your skin. I don’t like it when you get a deodorant that projects its fragrance feet from your body. This often leads to being quickly burned out on the fragrance. That is not the case here, as I only smell it if I lift my arm up and stick my nose in there.
Out of the three scents, I like them all. They are very pleasing and fresh smelling.
The Coconut Oil deodorant is my favorite scent.
This is another reason Dr. Teal’s deodorant is a good choice. Its performance is 24+ hours of protection. I still smell fresh and clean after working a ten-hour shift at my full-time job. Then, the next day, the protection is still there with no foul odors, just the nice, clean scent of the deodorant.
I have found it is very easy to over-apply this deodorant. If you apply too much, it takes up your hair and forms dingleberries. I quickly switched to doing only a few swipes with the deodorant, immediately fixing the problem. You can also just hold it under the arm to let it heat up, then swipe if it is not spreading evenly.
It is a medium-density deodorant that can be hard to distribute but is not horrible.

I am very pleased with every aspect of this deodorant. I think the 24+ hour protection is fantastic, and coupled with the natural scent profile, this is a must-use or try. There are enough scents to choose from to find that perfect scent; I recommend Coconut Oil. The application is okay if you don’t overdo it like me.
Pros & Cons
- Every scent I have tried smells terrific and natural. This is something I look for in a stick of deodorant, and this passes muster.
- Excellent 24+ hour protection. I can smell this the next day.
- Scents don’t overwhelm and overtake you. They stay close to the skin and don’t project out into the room.
- Made in the USA.
- Uni-sex scents.
- There is no staining on shirts. I wear black T-shirts at work and never had a problem with this deodorant.
- Good list of natural ingredients.
- Aluminum Free.
- Paraben and phthalate-free.
- Unisex scents. I believe both a woman and a man can easily pull off any of these scents.
- They have an unscented deodorant charcoal scent.
- Not the best glider.
- You can put too much product on if you are not careful. If you swipe a lot with this deodorant, it can build up and form pills (dingleberries) on your underarm hair. I personally swipe the hell out of my pits but had to just adjust to swiping a couple of times, and this problem went away. Also, warming the product up by holding it against the skin for a couple of seconds helps, too.
- There are limited scents (6) to choose from when comparing other deodorant companies, which sometimes have a lot more.
- It can be in the medium to high price range, but everything costs more nowadays.
How Well Does This Compare To Other Deodorants?
This ranks toward the top out of all the deodorants I have reviewed—very few drawbacks with this pit-stick.
I will list some of my other favorite deodorants below if you are interested.
Native Deodorant – Do you want scent selection? Native has over 20 scents to choose from. I haven’t encountered a scent with Native I didn’t like. Also, there are great natural ingredients.
Harry’s Deodorant – If you are looking for a hard deodorant that smells great and has a fantastic price…then Harry’s Deodorant is your underarm protection. I like the Redwood Deodorant, and it is my favorite.
Dr. Squatch – This soft deodorant is made specifically for men. Also, it has great ingredients and great performance. I enjoy their very unique Pine Tar Deodorant. A must-try!!! You can read my full review here, Dr. Squatch Deodorant Review – Smell Like A Man.
Where Can You Purchase Dr. Teal’s Deodorant?
You can usually purchase Dr. Teal’s Deodorant at your local grocery store or big box stores. You can also purchase it online on Amazon.
The Final Thoughts On Dr. Teal’s Deodorant Review
I’ve been using Dr. Teal’s products for years, mainly their Epsom salts for baths when I have sore muscles or aches and pains. Little did I know that they had a tremendous deodorant available.
Doctor Teal has ultimately won me over for their deodorants, and will be buying more in the future. The 24-hour protection and unique scents are what are going to keep me coming back for years. I enjoyed the Coconut Oil, but the other scents were nice too.
If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to contact me below.
My name is Dan and I am the owner and sole contributor to I am the leading authority on back shaving.
I started this website in 2017 because I too deal with back hair and I want to help others. My website deals with everything with grooming. I only review products I actually own.