I get common questions about shaving your back all the time. Like, how often do I need to shave my back? This is the second most asked question I have received, so I thought I would address it and write about it here to help the newly committed back shavers.
Table of Contents
Do You Need A Back Shaver? Get This!
The most common question is, what is the best back shaver? Easy answer! The Bakblade 2.0 Elite Plus.
My whole, in-depth review is here: Bakblade 2.0 Elite Plus Back Shaver Review.
Need A Good Recommendation For A Back Shaver?
If you want to learn what back shaver to buy, check out my page, Which Back Shaver Is Right For Me? Different Back Shavers Explained. This will narrow down which one will fit into your life the best.
Also, check out my page on 5 Best Back Shavers in 2021. Full of all the best back shavers being sold today.
It’s Dependent On You
The answers can be rather complex, varying from person to person. There is no simple answer here.

Your Level Of Hygiene
Think of it as just like shaving your face.
For example, when shaving your beard, some men prefer it every day, some men do it weekly, and some men once a year, and everything in between—the same with shaving your back. There is nothing wrong with shaving your back every day and nothing wrong with not shaving your back whenever you want. The choice is yours.

I find the back hair grows back about the same speed as my beard hair. You might find the same thing, but for each of us, it can vary.
This will also play a massive role in how often you shave. The thickness of your back hair, coarseness, length, and how fast your hair grows back. This, in combination with your level of hygiene, contributes to how often you will feel you need to shave your back.
Where You Live
Weather can play a significant role in how often you find yourself needing to shave.
Depending on where you live, either hot or cold, it will affect how often you shave your back. I know when it gets hot and humid, I want to remove as much hair from my body as possible, both by having a short haircut and body hair. I find I am more comfortable in high-heat conditions when I have less hair on my body.

How Often You Take Your Shirt Off In Public Or Around The House
Do you go to the local swimming pool a lot or mow your grass shirtless? If you go around without a shirt, you might want to shave your back more often.
Need A Confidence Booster
At least for me, even when I don’t have my shirt off after I have shaved my back, I have greater confidence in myself. Whether it is me conforming to acceptable societal norms or just the act of taking care of and grooming myself, it builds my morals. I don’t really care which one it is, or if it is both, it works. I feel better, and that is all that matters.
So, if you need some confidence, go get a nice haircut, shave your beard, or shave your back!
My Shaving Routine
My routine is complex as I use and review many different back shavers for this website. Oftentimes, I have no back hair and must wait a few weeks for the hair to grow back to try a new back shaver. So, I am wanting and waiting for my hair to grow back faster sometimes. I am messed up, I know. As I get older I think it is growing faster, at least on my face and back it is.

I have reviewed, used, and owned 60+ different back shavers to date at the time of writing this post. So, I am really invested in back shaving and actually prefer it to other methods currently available mainly because it is quick and I can do it myself. After all, I am a male and prefer self-reliance. The other reason is I don’t want judgment or embarrassment from another person. Just do it myself and avoid that weirdness.
I am kind of lazy when it comes to shaving my back…yep, lazy! I said it, okay. But I also live where it is cold for most of the year. If I lived where it was hotter, I probably shave more often.

When I don’t have a new back shaver to review, or it is just wintertime, I just let the back hair grow. I often shaved my back in spring and throughout the summer. I probably shave my back the most in the Summer. The weather is the biggest motivation for having a hairless back.
I will shave my back in the Fall and Winter when it itches or bothers me. Also, I will shave if I am going on vacation or feel the need to get dapper. I don’t really have a set routine; I just go by what I want, and this varies from individual to individual. Your routine will vary, too.
Just some general guidelines are given for a schedule.
Prim & Proper Schedule
Shave every few days or twice a week.
The Dude Schedule
Shave once every two weeks
The Grizzly Adams Schedule
Shave seasonally, once a year, or everything in between.
Final Thoughts On How Often Do I Need To Shave My Back
If you are new to removing back hair, there are many great options, and believe it or not, just a decade ago, they were nearly impossible to find. There is a whole new market centered around back hair removal, whether it’s shaving, depilatory creams, trimming, laser treatment, or waxing.
I focus mainly on back shaving because I feel it is the best. It is fast, and I can do it myself.
Check out my page on Methods For Dealing With Back Hair: Find Your Best Method. This page goes through the multiple methods available for the modern man dealing with back hair.
I would love an opportunity to answer any back-shaving questions or comments below.