So You Have Back Hair And Want To Know Your Options
Before embarking on a specific modality of dealing with your back hair, why not be enlightened about the current methods and the positives and negative drawbacks that each system offers? Better to be informed in the beginning and make an informed decision to avoid wasting valuable money and time.
Hair removal has been going on for centuries and in most countries. There are many methods out there, too, from which to choose. Options are always great; the more options, the better. Right?
Table of Contents
The Problems Of The Back With Hair Removal
The back, your back, and our backs are challenging areas to address. Normal access to our backs is limited to the constraints of the lack of mobility within our arms and shoulders to effectively reach and address getting rid of that dreaded back hair. The back is unique in that it is the most unreachable spot on the body, as opposed to other spots that are easier to get to.
Think of all the back-reaching devices: back scratchers, back shavers, the towel held in both hands and swung over your back, then moved in a back-and-forth motion to dry your back.
You get the point. So, addressing the logistics of the back, some of the described methods below, you will need the help of another person or professional. Either through their good nature or procurement of paying them a good sum of money, they will help to rid you of back hair. But other methods allow for less money and also allow you to handle the problem yourself. (the method I prefer)
What are the current methods of back hair removal?
With every method one might choose, with all things in life, there will be positive and negative results with each method. One might offer a better long-term result but require larger sums of money. It’s just the natural way of thinking about solutions to problems—a give-and-take of results and procurement.

What are the Current Methods of Back Hair Removal?
There are six methods currently available for the removal of back hair. The method you prefer depends on many factors, which I hope to share.
- Waxing
- Laser Hair Removal
- Chemicals
- Electric Shears
- Epilator
- Beard Shavers
- Back Shaver Razor (the method I prefer)
Why not, I guess, start out with the most painful method out of the bunch? Right? And get this out of the way.
You’re going to have to prepare for the possibility of eyes bulging, possibly sobbing and making victim noises, and screaming Kelly Clarkson. But with this pain, there is a pretty good trade-off. That trade-off is often longer-lasting results. Results often vary due to family genetics, but it can be up to six weeks.
Waxing can be done either in the comfort of your own home, either by you or by another individual, or away from your home at a spa or business that performs waxing.
Waxing your back at your own home is going to require an accomplice, either your wife, your husband, a friend, or a family member. There lies a problem with that, which is their guaranteed reluctance to want to do this. Nobody is dying to or jumping at the chance to wax your back, and it’s one of the things they might make you do in hell. Disgusting as well as causing pain to someone.
Waxing is done with either two types of wax or sugaring: soft wax and hard wax. Both have their advantages and disadvantages. Generally, soft wax is used for larger areas, like the back, while hard wax is used for smaller, more sensitive areas. The wax is then covered with a type of cloth, which is usually rubbed into the wax, and a quick motion of ripping the cloth away from the skin is used.
- Cost: At home, anywhere from $20.00 up to $1000.00. At a salon or spa, expect it to start at around $35.00 and go upwards, sometimes into the hundreds of dollars.
- How Long It Takes: As few as 10 minutes up to 1 hour.
- How Long Results Last: Anywhere from four to six weeks.
- Effects On Skin: Possible allergic reaction to the wax, as well as redding and irritation.
- Pain Level: 8 to 10 out of 10
Laser Hair Removal
Depending on the type of hair one has grown on your body, this can be a possible permanent solution but a costly and lengthy procedure. This also can be performed at home with assistance or at a salon or spa.
As far as the type of hair is concerned, it only works generally on dark hair. If you have light or blond hair, it will not work. So, it all depends on the type of hair you have and whether or not laser hair removal is an option for you.
But if you do have dark hair, you are able to have it performed on you. Expect to have multiple visits, probably up to 20 or more for treatments or as few as six treatments. Follow-up treatments may also need to be scheduled for the remainder of your life as well. There is usually a six to eight-week span between laser treatment sessions.
Also, be aware that there is nothing that does total hair removal. A laser will reduce the amount of hair but will not totally eliminate it. This will reduce time in dealing with the removal of hair in the future, as well as leave hair that is very light.
- Cost: It varies greatly, from a home-based model starting at $145 all the way up to $1,200.00. Spa treatments can range from $300.00 to $800 per session. Expensive.
- How Long It Takes: Minimum 6 to 20+ sessions
- How Long Results Last: Permanent
- Effects On Skin: Discomfort for a couple of days, feels like a sunburn. Swelling & blistering can be expected. Possible scarring as well.
- Pain Level: 4 possible higher out of 10
Chemicals used to remove hair are also called depilatory creams; they work by dissolving the hair just at the skin’s surface level. This can be one of the cheapest methods of removing unwanted hair from your back.
Suppose you can generally get past the smell, the work rather fast, usually in under 15 minutes or less. Generally, you apply the cream and wait anywhere from 5 to 15 minutes, then take a shower, and the hair falls off. Sometimes, additional wiping or combing is needed to brush it off.
You might need assistance from another person, or you can buy back applicators to apply the product to your back; they look like a back scratcher but have some type of absorbent material to apply the depilatory cream, too.
Some find good results in using this in conjunction with shaving for complete removal. If you are especially hairy, the cream knocks down a considerable amount; then, the razor takes care of the remaining hair.
It should be avoided if you have sensitive skin. As much of the complaints are of breaking out and irritation of the skin.
Caution of where one should apply it, as sensitive areas need to be avoided. Also, re-applying it to the same area is generally going to inflame the area.
Check out my review of Nair Men here: Nair Men Review – Does It Work Better Than Shaving?
- Cost: Anywhere from $5.00 up to $25.00
- How Long It Takes: Around 15 minutes or less (read directions on the product and follow them)
- How Long Results Last: A week
- Effects On Skin: This can cause the skin to be irritated and inflamed.
- Pain Level: 2 out 10, unless severe irritation occurs.
Electric Shears
This method can be pretty quick and painless, but it will for sure leave stubble. The cost is also very affordable, considering once the shears are purchased, they will last for many years to come.
Using shears to provide adequate hair removal on one’s back is going to call for an assistant. Otherwise, you’re going to be called “patchy” when you take your shirt off, as your arms will not reach all areas of your back and provide an effective hair clearing.
So, you might have to pay, beg, or threaten (jk) to find someone to help, as most people don’t find this enjoyable.
This method alone will leave stubble, but it can be used with a razor, as the shears knock down the bulk of the hair, then the razor comes in to finish the job.
- Cost: $15.00 to $120.00 for a quality shear.
- How Long It Takes: 5 to 10 minutes.
- How Long Results Last: A week.
- Effects On Skin: Barely anything.
- Pain Level: 0 out of 10
What is an Epilator? It is a device, either electrical or mechanical, that grabs ahold of multiple hairs and then immediately pulls the hairs out. Sometimes, the epilator uses a spring or some other type of mechanical system to grab hold of the hairs. They can be either electrical or not, some needing batteries or charging.
About the same pain level as waxing can be expected by using an Epilator as you pull the hair out from the root.
You are going to have to have someone help you, too, with this method again…because our arms can’t reach our backs effectively.
The good thing about Epilators is that they don’t ever need any replacement parts to keep working, like razors, which need to be replaced after a while.
- Cost: $8.00 up to $105.00
- How Long It Takes: Depends on how much pain you can tolerate at once. Thirty minutes to 45 minutes.
- How Long Results Last: 4 to 6 weeks.
- Effects On Skin: Some redness.
- Pain Level: 8 out of 10
Beard Razors
This is the normal razor people use on their faces and legs. You can get decent results using this method if you have someone help you, but if you do it by yourself, you will get less than good results. This is partly due to the short handle and short blade width.
The motto, “the right tool for the right job,” comes to mind with this method as you use a device that was designed for a specific area of your body, the face.
Expect the time to take considerably longer than any other method, ESPECIALLY if you have a dense jungle back there.
- Cost: $15.00 and up.
- How Long It Takes: Depends on 10 minutes and up.
- How Long Results Last: Generally a week or two.
- Effects On Skin: Little to no effect on the skin. Sometimes, a knick or two.
- Pain Level: 0 to 1 out of 10
Back Shaver Razors
I enjoy this method. Why? It allows me to do this myself, and I am very independent. Also, it allows me to get good results with little to no side effects, all in under 15 minutes for myself. Now, it might be longer for you, depending on how thick your back hair is.
A back shaver will effectively shave the hard-to-reach areas of the back, usually by a long handle, and at the end, some razor is attached.
As for my recommendation, I love the baKblade; you can read my full review here: What Is baKblade? It is the best I have found and used. Its design provides the best natural angle for shaving, and the razor rapidly obliterates the hair. For the newest version of my top back shavers, head over here: 5 Best Back Shavers.
Also, to help you determine what back shaver is right for you, I made a page, Which Back Shaver Is Right For Me? Different Back Shavers Explained.
- Cost: $19.95 to $80.00
- How Long It Takes: It depends on back hair thickness and growth, which is 10 to 20 minutes.
- How Long Results Last: Generally a week or two.
- Effects On Skin: Little to no impact on the skin, occasionally a tiny knick.
- Pain Level: 0 to 1 out of 10
What Back Shaver Do I Recommend?
For my top 5 best back shavers, read my page here: 5 Best Back Shavers.
I recommend the Bakblade 2.0 Elite Plus Back Shaver as my favorite back shaver. Read my full review here: Bakblade 2.0 Elite Plus Back Shaver Review.
Final Thoughts On Methods For Dealing With Back Hair
I hope this has helped you decide what method is right for you in dealing with getting rid of back hair. There are many options to choose from that best fit your life. I personally use the baKblade, and I just love it; I have tried other back shavers, and they just didn’t match up with the baKblade. Trust me, you’ll love it.
If you have any thoughts or comments, I would love to hear them below. Thanks!