Cut Your Own Hair & Body Groomer
In this post, MicroTouch Titanium Trim Review, we will be going over if this grooming tool can perform what it claims to do: cut hair and body groom. This is quite a unique design and a definite left turn from most current designs that currently populate the market today. I hope to lay out information to help you determine if this is the right tool for you.
Table of Contents
What Is The MicroTouch Titanium Trim?
This is marketed as a multi-tool for cutting hair and body grooming. This is the second MicroTouch product I have reviewed to date, and I am curious about how this will perform. To be completely honest, I am kind of leary of this design for cutting hair effectively, but I will give this a good college try anyway.
What Do You All Get?
1 – MicroTouch Titanium Trim Trimmer
2 – AA batteries
1 – Cleaning Brush
4 – Guide Combs (sizes 1/4″, 1/2″, 3/4″, 1″)
1 – Blade Guard
1 – Storage Bag
1 – Set of Instructions

Specs Of The Titanium Trim
I measure the total length unextended to 8 1/4″ inches long and, when fully extended, to be 10 1/4″ inches long. The blade width on the trimmer is 1 3/8″ inches wide.
This takes two AA batteries to power on.
Does It Work? Is It Worth Purchasing?
Forget cutting your hair with this thing, as it is a total nightmare! It’s awkward, time-consuming, and frustrating. The weird angle and the motion of your wrist in order to cut your own hair is a bridge too far for me. MicroTouch tried reinventing the wheel with this hair trimmer, but sorry, not sorry, you failed. There is a reason when you go to a barber, he/she uses clippers and not a MicroTouch Titanium Trimmer, as it is a proven design, and MicroTouch’s popcorn fart approach leaves me mad and frustrated after a couple of minutes of using it.
You will never see a professional barber pull out a MicroTouch Titanium Trim Trimmer to cut someone’s hair. It just won’t ever happen because this is a gimmick and not a serious tool a real barber would ever use. This means if a professional barber doesn’t want to use it, neither should you.

I have been cutting my hair since I was in high school, so it has been many decades since I have had experience cutting my own hair. I’m not too fond of the technique I have to use in order to cut my hair. It is kind of a flicking of the wrist. I just don’t like doing that as I feel I don’t have as much control as using a hair clipper.
If you can make it through a whole haircut using this, you are a BETTER MAN than me. I gave up about 3 minutes into it. Granted, this is not for every style of hair; I have a fade haircut, a little long on top and short on the sides and back. So I attempted to cut my hair on top of my head and not the sides, as this device will not cut it short enough to what I want and am used to. This is for people with longer haircuts. But in all honesty, I would actually recommend nobody cut their hair with this lame trimmer.
The guide combs seem very gimmicky as well.
Body Groomer…Maybe?!?
This works better as a body groomer. It still is not that great as compared to other body groomers I have reviewed, but it is definitely better than the experience of cutting my hair.
Would I trim my beard with it? No. Could you? Sure, but I won’t be reaching for this as I have better tools to handle the job.
Would I shave body hair: arms, legs, or under my arms? Yeah. You could also shave your neck, and depending on how flexible you are, you could trim your upper back or whole back with the handle extended to its fullest. I did like shaving the hair on my upper shoulders and the back of my arms, though.

Is It Worth Purchasing?
Simply no, it is not worth it. The motor is weak and not as powerful as others on the market. It’s wonky and weird, and you would be better off passing on this trimmer. It will trim body hair with no problem. I am just not impressed at all, as it seems slightly below average when compared to other products.
Pros & Cons
- All Guide Combs are labeled with size.
- It has a built-in LED light; I find this most helpful when trimming body hair.
- Handle extends to help extend your reach.
- Comes with batteries.
- Comes with a bag to properly store all the small items and keep them together so they don’t get lost.
- The handle fits nicely in the hand, and there is even some plastic dimpling for a more secure grip.
- Didn’t clog with hair.
- Fairly lightweight.
- I like it when any company provides a blade guard to help protect the trimming blade.
- Cheap price.
- Lacks power. I think of A child’s tool when I turn it on, and it is not a serious tool.
- The batteries that were included were very weak.
- Very awkward to use!!! You have to switch hands often to get the correct angle of attack. It’s very different and not very good.
- Weak motor! I am used to having some power to cut my hair. This thing is weak.
- The sound is not a desirable noise. Sounds slow and feeble.
- I cannot cut hair—a big fail.
I recently reviewed the MicroTouch Solo Titanium, which is a better product for me than this Titanium Trim. You can read my review here: MicroTouch Solo Titanium Review.
What Do I Recommend Instead Of The MicroTouch?
If you are looking for a real tool to cut your own hair with and also the ability to groom body hair, I would strongly recommend the Brio Beardscape Beard Hair Trimmer. This is a severe tool for cutting hair, trimming your beard, and body grooming. It’s very highly rated.
You can read my full review here: Brio Beardscape Beard Hair Trimmer Review.
Must-Have Tools For Cutting Your Hair
I have devoted a page to must-have tools for cutting your own hair. Many helpful items make cutting your own hair much easier. Check it out here: Must-Have Tools For Cutting Your Own Hair.
The Final Thoughts On Microtouch Titanium Trim Review
I like to give every product I review a fair shot in the beginning, but when something doesn’t work or is difficult to use, I often become frustrated and angry, and so was the case with this trimmer. I quickly abandoned my attempt to cut my hair with this after only a few minutes. I am realizing what an ineffective tool it is at this job. It performed better at trimming body hair, but it still lacked power, and the motor seems cheap, or it is not properly powered, as you are using two AA batteries. Most companies have gone to use lithium-ion rechargeable batteries.
This is a failed grooming tool that needs to be buried and forgotten about.
Any comments or questions are always welcome here at Back Shaver For Men.
My name is Dan and I am the owner and sole contributor to I am the leading authority on back shaving.
I started this website in 2017 because I too deal with back hair and I want to help others. My website deals with everything with grooming. I only review products I actually own.