What The Heck? Shave Your Neck!
Sure, you shave your back regularly; you do, right? But how is your neck hair game going? This can be just as problematic as back hair without the proper tool. That is where this review comes in; Quality Time Neck Hair Guide Supremium Review can help potentially take care of this issue. A great tool if it works, right? Keep reading to find out if it’s worth buying.
Table of Contents
Neck Hair Doesn’t Look Good, Period!
Unkempt neck hair is sloppy and, believe it or not, is often judged harshly by both men and women towards men with overgrown neck hair. It is quite unsightly, too. In order to maintain a well-kept, clean look, you either have to go weekly to the barber or tackle the problem yourself. Without the proper tools to do this, it can be a real hit-or-miss ordeal.
Who Needs A Neck Hair Guide?
Unless you go to the barbershop or hair salon weekly, just about every man needs to take care of this area.
Even then, some barbers will just take the hair down to stubble length with their shears and not shave the back of your neck. This can leave a look of un-refinement.
Often times, a beard or disposable razor is needed too, depending on the man’s hair growth, to get a clean and dapper appearance adequately.
- Men who cut their own hair.
- Men who want to maintain a clean and professional look.
- Men who shave their backs.
- Men who want a smooth neck and crisp hairline.
- Do-It-Yourself men.

What Is Quality Time Neck Hair Guide?
This is a simple do-it-yourself template guide for your neck; it can be used for trimming and shaving the neckline. This guide will do both straight and curved necklines just by flipping it over. It has a band that goes around your forehead and a rubber guide that goes on the back of the neck.
What Is Included?
1 – Neck Hair Guide Supremium
1 – Set of instructions
1 – Plastic packaging (this is resealable and can be used for storing it)
How Good Does It Work?
To be completely honest, it is the best neck hair guide I have used to date; what sets it apart from the other ones is the adjustability of the headband. This allows for a more comfortable experience. I had no movement of the headband when shaving, and I asked my wife how it looked, and she said it looked good.
It is very comfortable, the other neck guide I used was extremely tight, and after a few minutes of wearing it, it became unbearable as it pushes your nose in with constant pressure.
Also, I love you have two choices to choose from, a straight or a curved neckline, by simply flipping this around. This gives you options, and I really like that.
Pros & Cons
- It is very comfortable, soft, and lightweight.
- This neck guide adjusts for a straight or curved neckline. The choice is yours to make, and options are always good.
- Made in the USA.
- It allows you to use it by yourself and not rely on other people.
- It can be used with a standard beard or disposable razor or shears.
- Easy to use and understand.
- It can be applied quickly; slip it over your head and adjust it.
- The band goes over the forehead, not the nose.
- Has an adjustable band for all sizes of heads.
- The packaging this comes in should be used for future storage, as this is resealable.
- It is not mullet-friendly, it works best with short hair.
Some Tips On Using Quality Time Neck Hair Guide
I offer a few simple tips below; head on over to Quality Time page for more information and videos.
In order to tackle longer hair, I would first use a pair of clippers to dispatch with the longer hair, then switch over to a cartridge beard shaver to finish off with a nice smooth finish.
Go over the area more than once, making sure you get everything with both shears and razors. I usually go vertical with the shears at first, but when I do that twice, I switch to horizontal, and then repeat the process with a razor.
Take your time; there is no rush. Do a good, thorough job, and your efforts will be rewarded. Keep one hand holding down the guide while shaving, making sure it really doesn’t move.
Always get verification after the first couple of times after using this product; this means asking someone how it looks. If there are any problems, try again. Once you are comfortable and doing a good job, you can stop asking someone.
For areas below the neckline, I recommend using a good back shaver; I have compiled a list of the five best back shavers for 2021 here: 5 Best Back Shavers In 2021.
Take a peek at another neck guide template I have reviewed here, Nekmate Review. Not as good as this one, in my opinion.
The Final Thoughts On Quality Time Neck Hair Guide Supremium Review
It is such a simple and highly effective device for maintaining your neck. Super comfortable while still staying in place. I give this a very high recommendation, as I enjoyed the results and found them easy to use.
This is the best neck hair guide I have reviewed to date!!!
Purchase Quality Time Neck Hair Guide Supremium
If you have any questions or comments, I would be honored to answer them below. Thanks!
My name is Dan and I am the owner and sole contributor to www.backshaverforen.com. I am the leading authority on back shaving.
I started this website in 2017 because I too deal with back hair and I want to help others. My website deals with everything with grooming. I only review products I actually own.