Best Safety Razors For Shaving Your Back: 5 Best Brands

What are the best safety razors for shaving your back? Not all safety razors are created equal. Some stay sharper longer, some are sharper, and some are just cheap junk. It is in this vein I hope to steer you to the best safety razors for shaving your back. I hope to provide you with some general helpful ideas as well as product recommendations.

Let’s get into it…

How Do You Dispose Of Your Safety Razor Blades?

The safest way to dispose of your used blades is using a razor blade bin or a sharps container. Check out my page, How To Safely Dispose of Safety Razor Blades.

Feather Styling Razor Disposal Case

Razor disposable cases are usually made from plastic or steel. These are often very cheap to purchase and will keep you safe. I highly recommend them.

Learn By Experience With Sample Packs

If you are the type of man who needs to learn by doing or a newbie to using safety razors, this is right up your alley. To learn what works best for you, I would highly recommend you try a safety razor blade sampler pack.

Learn by doing. Then you know from first-hand experience which is the best. The downside is it is going to take a while to figure out longevity for yourself with sample packs, even if your back hair grows back fast.

A good tip is to try to get a sample pack that has the products listed below included in them.

This is a cheap way to try many different blades out on your own experience. Thankfully, there are sampler packs available on Amazon.

Keep in mind that this is the cheapest way to try many different blades; it is not a cost-effective way to buy blades, so once you know what you buy, the brand you enjoy using.

Back Shavers That Use Replaceable Safety Razor Blades

Most manual back shavers use some safety razor. The difference is that some have their safety razors locked into a plastic cartridge, and once they get dull, you have to buy a whole new cartridge.

100 Excellent Quality Double Edge Razor Blades Sampler (16 different brands)

Others, which I prefer as of late for many reasons, have it where you can easily replace the razor blades by usually unscrewing some thumb screws. These will save you tons of money over the lifetime of the back shaver, as replacement cartridges are quite expensive, and safety razor blades are very affordable.

Best Back Shavers for Safety Razors

Below I have posted links to my reviews, which highlight their key features. I highly recommend any of the Bro Shavers.

A note of caution when using a back shaver at first: Just be sure to take it slow—there is no need to rush it. Slow and deliberate strokes work wonders. Straight pulls are also mandatory, no changing the angle during the pull, just straight.

  1. Bro Shaver 2.2 Saucy – Improved upon back shaver from the 2.0 & 1.0. This is the best back shaver that uses replaceable safety razors, in my opinion. Read more here, Bro Shaver 2.2 Saucy Back Hair Shaver Review.
  2. Bro Shaver 1.0 – Great back shaver. Read more here, Bro Shaver Review.
  3. Sigma Back Shaver – A collapsible and comfortable handle. To find out more, read this: Sigma Back Shaver – Does It Work?
  4. BackRaze Back Shaver – A unique back shaver that doesn’t have a handle, but it works well. Read more about it here: BackRaze Back Shaver Review.
  5. ManBlade Pro Back Razor – This isn’t that good, and I would avoid it. You can read more about it here: ManBlade Pro Back Razor Review.
Manblade, Bro Shaver 1.0, and Bro Shaver Saucy 2.2

Some Things To Consider When Buying Razor Blades For Back Shaving

Here are a few things to think about when looking for blades to purchase.

Longevity – This varies from person to person, as people have different hair types and thicknesses of hair growth. It is best to form your own opinion on this matter. The coating also affects the blade’s longevity.

It would be best if you really considered longevity when thinking of shaving your back. As you are shaving more than just the surface of your face, you are shaving the entire surface of the back, which is substantially a lot more surface area.

You want longevity in a razor blade.

Sharpness – There are two types of sharpness in the world of razors: aggressive and mild. Mild is for newer shavers, while aggressive is for seasoned pros and hairy barbarian gorilla backs.

Cost – This is simply dividing the cost of the blades by the number of blades per pack. Since prices are always changing, this is better left up to the consumer to do at the time of purchase.

Cost Divided By Quantity

Simply The Best…Better Than All The Rest

1. Feather Double Edge Safety Razor Blades

Feather Double Edge Safety Razor Blades 200 Count

It’s no surprise that Feather is at the top of the list if you’re a seasoned pro using safety razors. It has a super solid reputation for making the best blades out there. There is always a give-and-take, as these are expensive when it comes to safety razors.

The cut is aggressive.

What does this mean?

It means it is scary sharp. This isn’t the best razor blade for a noob, as it can cause the most cuts and nicks in an inexperienced hand. I would recommend a less aggressive razor blade, like a sample pack. (see list above)

Great for you, Sasquatch’s out there. You know, the really hairy backs out there. You want sharp blades, and this is it.

Feather is made in Japan and has been in business since the 1920s. The Japanese always make quality materials, and these razor blades are no different.

So, is it worth the extra money?

I believe it is for the more experienced shaver, for a newbie I would recommend a quality less sharp blade.

2. Astra Platinum Safety Blades

Astra Platinum Double Edge Safety Razor Blades ,100 Count (Pack of 1)

If you are looking for longevity, welcome to your buddy as this holds the reputation of staying sharp the longest.

But wait…then these are going to be expensive, right?


It is on the cheaper side, and this is why it ranks second. Oh, and it is an aggressive blade, too—another one for the seasoned shaver.

3. Gillette 7 O’Clock Premium Safety Razor Blades

100 7 O'clock Super Platinum Double Edge Safety Razor Blades (20x5) - AKA 7'Oclock Black - Premium Blades on Display Card

It’s probably the most well-known brand name out of the bunch with a reputation to match. With Gillette, you know you are getting quality and dependability.

This is a good razor for a beginner or intermediate user, as the cut is moderate. Just above the mild category and just below the aggressive category.

This is a middle-of-the-row razor in longevity and sharpness. It is a good choice for, on average, most people.

4. Shark Safety Razor Blades

Shark Double Edge Safety Razor Blades, Super Chrome, 100 Count

Here is the one for new shavers, as the cut is MILD. Mild is more forgiving to the novice, and you will sustain fewer nicks and cuts. This is also well suited for shaving other parts of your body as well.

The price on these is also some of the cheapest you can find out there. Very affordable.

Another thing to consider about this product is its longevity, as it does not have any coating on it. So the longevity is going to suffer—just something to keep in mind, too.

5. Personna Double Edge Safety Razor

Personna Double Edge Razor Blades in White Wrapper 100 count

This DE safety razor is made in Israel, of all places, and they make some pretty badass stuff. This is on the lower end of the aggressive cut with a platinum and chrome coating for a dual partnership on longevity.

Building a decent rep in the world of shaving because they provide a good, decent, smooth shave. An up-and-comer for sure.

The Final Thoughts On What Is The Best Safety Razors For Shaving Your Back

Shaving your back with cheap, replaceable double-edge safety razors is the best method, hands down! This is for two reasons: price and selection.

Price comparisons between DE safety razors, back shavers, and back shavers that use cartridge replacements are not even close. They charge so much for some plastic and a few razor blades, way more than to manufacture. The markup is insane.

The second reason for using a system with replaceable DE safety razors is that you can choose what kind of cut (aggressive, moderate, and mild) instead of just accepting what the cartridge replacement is capable of. So, if you don’t like the way it cuts, you have the option of changing razors; You cannot do this with back shavers with replaceable cartridges.

Keep them sharp.

What do you use? Would love to hear comments or questions concerning the post above.

4 thoughts on “Best Safety Razors For Shaving Your Back: 5 Best Brands”

  1. Thanks for bringing us this article on back shaving.

    I didn’t realise that you could still buy razor blades.  I haven’t seen those since my dad used them when I was a kid.

    They are certainly a cheaper option than having to buy cartridges every time.  It also means that you will be quicker to replace it, therefore getting a better shave every time 

    Blades always scared me as I always thought they cut a lot easier.  But as you say, when set up they are safety razors.

    I just wonder how difficult it is to get enough pressure to get a clean shave.

    • You simply just become better at shaving your back with each time you use it. I know the first time I cut myself all up but now I simply don’t at all. You don’t have to put any pressure just pull lightly. Hope this helps Geoff!

  2. Hey, it hadn’t occurred to me! Thank you for giving us this cheap way of trying many different blades! I know it’s not a cost-effective way to buy blades so once I find the one that’s for me, I’ll settle with it! A friend (who is a barber) has always told me that Feather double edge razor blades are the best option.

    • Abel, I would concur with your friend, Feather is a great brand as most consider it the to double-edge razor blades that can be purchased. I find it best to buy a sample pack then start using them and find out for yourself what you prefer. Hope this helps.


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